AVTECH Sweden AB (publ) Interim Report January – September 2022


  2022 2022 2021
MSEK Quarter 3 Quarter 2 Quarter 3
Net turnover (sales) 5.7 5.5 3.4
Operating profit before depreciation +3.1 +2.3 +1.0
Net profit +2.2 +1.4 +0.2
Net profit per share, SEK +0.039 +0.025 +0.004
Cashflow +1.7 +1.1 +0.7
Cash and cash equivalents 12.5 10.8 9.8
Equity 29.4 27.2 25.0
Equity per share, SEK 0.52 0.48 0.44
Equity ratio, % 92.2% 90.6% 90.1%
  • Sales for the third quarter increased by 4,3% compared to previous quarter and 66,3% compared to Q3 2021 thanks to new agreements at the beginning of the year, increased flying, and a rising dollar exchange rate.
  • Continued growth in net earnings that increased by 55.6% since the previous quarter and 927.6% compared to Q3 2021 thanks to increased sales, reduced personnel costs during the holiday season and exchange rate gains. Corrections to previously paid employer fees to the Swedish Tax Agency for the period November 2020 to October 2021 have reduced personnel costs by MSEK 0.3.
  • Cash flow increased in the third quarter by 52.1% since the previous quarter and 149.5% compared to Q3 2021 mostly thanks to increased customer payments. The cash position was also positively affected by a refund of employer contributions of MSEK 0.3 from the tax agency.

Financial reports are available at www.avtech.aero/report.


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